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Carnegie Caufield Cycling club holds an ‘Annual General Meeting’ (AGM) each year at which the committee is dissolved and a new one appointed.
The rules require the committee is made up of of adult members of the CCCC.
The rules also allow the members at the AGM to approve an increase in the size of the committee to any size that they deem to be appropriate.
The club allocates specific responsibilities to all committee members to ensure that the administrative burden is widely spread instead of having a few members ‘do everything’.
Linda Hunter
Vice President
Bentley Olden
Robin Donohue
James Young
Diversity & Inclusion Officer
Alex Smyth
Club Captain-Female
Alana Hribar
Club Captain-Male
Warren Knevitt
Manager of Governance
Doug Moody
Club Handicapper
Alex Smyth
Social Media Manager
Kim Hribar
IT Manager
Jason Lockley
Road Racing Manager
David Williams
Quad C Junior Manger
Steve Leske
Equipment Manager
Hilton Clarke

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