
Tommy Nankervis confesses

Tommy Nankervis confesses to Lee ‘Hollywood’ Turner, “How I REALLY won 25 A Grade Crits in one season”                          Click Here for a great intervie...

Anzac Day Classic

A very BIG thank you to the following Volunteers that help put on an amazing race. BBQ; Lisa Hanley, Mrs Stewart, & Mrs Jones Set/Pack Up; Michael Attwood...

ANZAC Day Carnegie Classic

RACE NUMBERS AND GRADES are now available,  ANZAC DAY CARNEGIE CLASSIC Race Numbers  Numbers will be available from 11.30 to 12.30 Gate opens at 10.30am ...


Photo's    Michael Eaddy       Jim Morey Video Finishes     A Grade    B Grade 3rd - 5th    B Grade Bunch    C Grade    D Grade Promotions Leigh Deaga...


Photo's    Michael Eaddy     Jim Morey Video Finishes    A Grade     B Grade    C Grade    D Grade    Cycling Clinic Promotions MARK SAMPSON    SA    Up t...