The second Carnegie Cross race is coming up on Sunday May 13th, the last CX race was an absolute success and great fun for both riders and spectators. Come down and bring a friend as there are races for everyone.

Never tried cyclocross before, keen to give it a shot? There will be kids races as well as “run what you brung” events, so bring any bike you’ve got sitting at home and come check out what all the fuss is about!

Race info:

Juniors fun ride – 12:30pm – 10mins
Mend “Run What You Brung” and Men’s C Grade: 1:00pm – 40mins
Women’s A, B, C and “Run what you Brung”: 1:50pm – 50, 40, 30 and 30 mins respectively

Presentations at 2:40pm

Men’s B grade: 2:50pm – 40mins
Men’s A grade: 3:40pm – 50mins

Presentations and Pack up – 4:40pm

Kids fun ride is free entry!
All other races entry is $15.

Entry Boss

Accepting both CA and MTBA race licences

All kids must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
There is plenty of parking space at the velodrome on Leila Rd.