On Monday the 25th of Julythe Club will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Rosstown Hotel (1084 Dandenong Road Carnegie 3163) at 7.00pm – click here for the agenda.
As part of the AGM, all Committee positions will be declared vacant and a new Committee will be formed. The process to form a new Committee is listed below and you are encouraged to nominate if you believe you have the skills and passion to help your Club.
- Nominations must be made to the Registrar – Graham Prossor (gprossor@bigpond.net.au)
- Nominations must be seconded by an adult member of the club (the membership of both the person being nominated and the person seconding, must be current).
- If you are nominating yourself, send an email to the person who is going to second the nomination and get them to add a note supporting the nomination and then forward it in to me.
- Nominations should specify the position (General Committee, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, role on general committee)
- All nominations emailed to the Registrar will be promptly acknowledged.
- If you don’t receive an acknowledgement then you’ve probably made a mistake with the email address.
- Remember that the email address is gprossORNOT gprossER.
- Members should note that Nominations close on or before midnight on the Friday (22/7) prior to the date fixed for holding of the AGM.
- Nominations received after this time may not be accepted.
- Nominations ‘from the floor’, on the night of the AGM will only be accepted for vacant positions.
- A paper ballot will be conducted where two or more nominations are received for the one position.
The Committee positions available are listed below. If you have any queries about the duties of each position, please email president@carnegiecycling.com.au for a position description.
Positions Available |
President |
Vice President – Road |
Vice President – Track |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Diversity and Inclusion Officer (NEW) |
Manager of Governance |
Partnerships Manager |
Club Captain Male |
Club Captain Female |
Club Coach |
Club Handicapper |
Clothing Manager |
IT Manager |
Marketing Manager |
Social Media Manager |
Junior Dev, Novice and Quad C Manager |
Women’s Development Manager |
Social Coordinator |
Marshal Coordinator |
Equipment Manager |
For any other queries, please contact the club Secretary on secretary@carnegiecycling.com.au